The original idea was to write this post about pondus animarum, the weight of souls, but what are the souls ... sittingt in the confessional a soul with almond eyes appeared looking God's forgiveness. A Chinese Catholic homes in Vigo. And she looking confession in English. Getting Started? I remembered in this moment the last chapter about The Simpson´s... maybe she likes this serial, but the girl is not a typical american citizen. She was a PhD!. Definitely about The Simpson´s Family knows very little.
At that moment I thought that confession could make it in Galician, Spanish, or some Latin if you want, but in English ... It was my first time!. The first time you're always nervous. Don´t Know how the thing will be. Always want to look good, but in this case the important thing is to serve.
When we pray the Creed every Sunday we affirm that the Church is Catholic. That is the same as saying: Universal. Namely, It professes the same faith throughout the world, in all languages and in all races. This faith is lived today.
Thank´s God
That´s all.
At that moment I thought that confession could make it in Galician, Spanish, or some Latin if you want, but in English ... It was my first time!. The first time you're always nervous. Don´t Know how the thing will be. Always want to look good, but in this case the important thing is to serve.
When we pray the Creed every Sunday we affirm that the Church is Catholic. That is the same as saying: Universal. Namely, It professes the same faith throughout the world, in all languages and in all races. This faith is lived today.
Thank´s God
That´s all.
5 comentarios:
si es una vivencia personal, menos mal que entre tus aficiones está el english! si no lo es, en cualquier caso qué apuro.
el ejemplo del post refuerza mi teoría de lo imprescindible que es el inglés en esta aldea global.
no sé el planning de estudios del seminario, pero queda patente la necesidad de incluir el inglés entre las asignaturas, si no lo está ya.
pronponga para la parroqui unas clases de ingles como los bolillos y la pintura, yo iria¡¡¡
Lo que me ocurrió ayer en el confesionario fue todo verdad. Una chica de nacionalidad china y católica pidió confesión en inglés. Hice lo que pude.
Y tomo nota de las clases de inglés. Muy buena propuesta. TOMO NOTA!!!!
The Lord is my shepherd! It´s a great issue. I´m expecting for English class too, jejeje.
It´s very important to me... for Aussie trips! For Father Salvado job.
Thanks for sharing it with us!
I see that some of you have a high level of English.
now I have the chance: what airline do you use for your Australian trips? Virgin Atlantic, British, a different one? Good tariffs are important.
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